
2013年2月12日(周二),在2013年IEEE关西支部总会的IEEE关西支部学生奖励研究表彰会上,毕业生片山 健太朗先生和修士二年级学生川岛同学获得了研究奖励。获奖论文(国际会议发表论文)为

  • Junya Kawashima, Hiroshi Tsutsui, Hiroyuki Ochi, and Takashi Sato, “A Design Strategy for Sub-Threshold Circuits Considering Energy-Minimization and Yield-Maximization,” in Proc. of IEEE International SOC Conference (SOCC) (Taipei, Taiwan), pp.57-62, Sep. 2011.
  • Kentaro Katayama, Shiho Hagiwara, Hiroshi Tsutsui, Hiroyuki Ochi, andTakashi Sato, “Sequential Importance Sampling for Low-Probability and High-Dimensional SRAM Yield Analysis,” in Proc. of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer-aided Design (ICCAD) (San Jose,CA), pp.703-708, Nov. 2010.
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